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What Are You Carrying in Your Briefcase?

In 2012, I began writing a fictional story about an AI droid that interacts with a mystical device, causing the droid to evolve into a shapeshifting superhero. For nearly 12 years, I metaphorically kept my story safely hidden from the world, locked away in a briefcase that only I could open.

I’m not alone in this. Many people roam the world with their own briefcases, tightly held close to their chests. Inside are their ideas, creativity, and brilliance, never to see the light of day. Too often, we carry these briefcases all the way to the grave, leaving the wonders inside undiscovered.

Why? Why did I keep my story locked away? Was it fear? Self-doubt? The tight grip of imposter syndrome?

It’s time now to rip open your briefcase. You have ideas and creativity that must be released into the world. But how do we break open the briefcase?

The first step is to identify the limiting beliefs that act as the combination lock on your briefcase. These beliefs are the unseen forces that hold us back. They may whisper that we’re not good enough, that we’re bound to fail, or that we don’t deserve success. But beliefs are not immutable truths; they’re stories we’ve told ourselves, often without evidence.

When I examined why I kept my story locked away, I realized I had no evidence that it would fail or be ridiculed. In fact, the evidence I had pointed in the opposite direction. I had published articles in various media outlets. I had authored three children’s books. Yet none of this mattered because the beliefs imprinted deep within my subconscious told a different story.


How to Uncover Your Limiting Beliefs

Breaking open the briefcase starts with uncovering the limiting beliefs keeping it locked shut. Here’s how you can begin:

1. Recognize the Symptoms

Start by identifying the symptoms of these hidden beliefs. Are you procrastinating? Do you feel stuck, anxious, or unworthy of success? These feelings are often the breadcrumbs that lead you back to the root cause. For me, it was the toll of stress and anxiety on my health. I had ignored it for years, using physical exhaustion as a temporary escape.

2. Commit to Self-Inquiry

One evening, I finally committed to making my mental health a priority. I stopped running from my discomfort and started to sit with it. Self-inquiry begins with the decision to face what you’ve been avoiding. Ask yourself: What am I afraid of? What’s holding me back? What story am I telling myself about my abilities or worth?

3. Dig into Your Past

Our limiting beliefs often stem from past experiences or relationships. When I traced the origins of my beliefs, I discovered they were tied to someone I loved deeply—my mother. For years, she labeled me as lazy, unreliable, and not smart. These words weren’t said with malice but as misguided attempts to motivate me. Yet, they left a lasting imprint.

Understanding the source of your beliefs doesn’t mean blaming others. My mother didn’t intend to harm me, and I hold no resentment toward her. Every experience, even the painful ones, has shaped who I am today.

4. Question the Beliefs

Once you’ve identified a belief, question its validity. Is it true? Is there evidence to support it? More importantly, is it serving you? When I questioned my belief that I wasn’t capable of writing, I realized it was baseless. The story I had been telling myself was a lie, yet it had dictated my actions for years.

5. Replace the Belief

Limiting beliefs don’t disappear on their own; they must be replaced with empowering ones. Instead of telling myself I wasn’t good enough, I began to affirm my capability and worthiness. I reminded myself of my past successes and the value of my ideas.

6. Take Action Despite Fear 

The final step is action. Limiting beliefs often create paralysis, but the only way to dismantle them fully is to act in opposition to them. When I finally decided to share my story, the fear didn’t vanish overnight. But each step I took—writing, editing, and sharing—chipped away at the false narrative I had carried for so long.


The Power of Releasing Your Briefcase 

When you uncover and challenge your limiting beliefs, the impact is transformative. The weight you’ve been carrying lightens, and the creativity locked inside begins to flow freely. Your ideas, once hidden, have the potential to inspire and impact others in ways you can’t yet imagine.

For me, releasing my briefcase wasn’t just about sharing a story—it was about reclaiming my power. It was about stepping into the belief that my ideas mattered and that I was capable of bringing them to life. 

You might be carrying your own briefcase right now. Maybe it contains a book, a business idea, an invention, or a dream you’ve been too afraid to pursue. Whatever it is, know this: the world needs what’s inside.

It’s time to stop carrying the briefcase and start opening it. Uncover the beliefs holding you back, challenge them, and take the first step toward bringing your ideas to life. Because the greatest tragedy isn’t failing—it’s never trying at all.

So, what are you carrying in your briefcase? Let us help you open it!