Your Art Can EARN.

We are flipping the model, starting with art first, writing second.

Let’s start now.

Step One. Are you serious? If so...then lets develop a concept.


It all begins with your art. What vision or inspiration helped you create your work? Our content development specialist will walk you through the creative development process to establish a story concept and outline. Together, we will begin developing the plot or story arc.

Step Two. Story Boarding.


With an outline, plot, and story arc, we can begin story boarding. This is where your talent as an artist will really pay off. What is your preferred medium? Colored Pencil, water colors, digital art? We will discuss the appropriate format for the art layout. We will also plan out a calendar to keep you on task.

Step Three. Artwork, Story Editing and Formatting.


As you complete the artwork, we will complete editing the story. We will format the artwork for self-publishing sites. Understand, there are details and a lot of work that goes into self-publishing e-books and print on-demand if you want to EARN.

Step Four. Uploading, Pre-Release, and Marketing.


Getting your story uploaded to a self-publishing site is just the beginning. There are important things to do before and after it is published in order to sell. Our goal is to get your book noticed and there are promotional techniques that we will focus on.

If you are ready to begin, contact us now.


You will keep all rights to your work and royalties. We will price out the project based upon your work and story concept. If you are worried about budget, let’s talk, we have options.

Artist and Illustrators, we love the freedom the IPad Pro gives us to create anywhere, anytime. This tool elevated our work to new levels and it can help you as well. Click the affiliate image below to learn more. I use mine to digitize hard copy artwork using Photoshop. Speeds up my work and it will speed yours up as well.